These are no longer distant concerns. They are here, and the time to act is now.
The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) has been established to deliver the global leadership and technical expertise the industry needs for a sustainable transformation.
Our aim is to enable change that is transparent, proportional, and cost-effective, with safety at its core.
As a union of flag states and classification societies we offer cutting-edge expertise and a legacy of experience and authority.
We envision the MTF as a globally respected advisor and trusted source of knowledge and insight.
Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) is a group of Flag States and Classification Societies.
The MTF will focus on essential topics for the future of the maritime industry, including energy efficiency, alternative fuels, and autonomous ships.
The MTF serves the purpose of fostering sustainable and environmentally friendly technologies in the maritime sector in a safe and cost efficient manner, and is fully committed to all applicable laws and regulations, including antitrust legislation.
MTF members will collaborate on research and draw on their collective expertise to offer unbiased and expert advice to the shipping sector.
The Forum's work will be published, and members will share insights and guidance to support the testing and safe adoption of new technologies, while also helping to shape world-leading regulation.
17/03/2025 Press Release PDF, 95KB
10/03/2025 Press Release PDF, 139KB
21/01/2025 Press Release PDF, 114KB
22/08/2024 Press Release PDF, 152KB
11/04/2024 Press Release PDF, 153KB
04/04/2024 Press Release PDF, 154KB
12/03/2024 Press Release PDF, 124KB
30/11/2023 Press Release PDF, 236KB
01/05/2023 Press Release PDF, 254KB
20/04/2023 Press Release PDF, 101KB
22/11/2022 Press Release PDF, 93KB
04/05/2022 Press Release PDF, 145KB
29/11/2021 Press Release PDF, 127KB
17/03/2025 Report PDF, 8MB
10/03/2025 Report PDF, 7MB
11/02/2025 Webinar
21/01/2025 Report PDF, 2MB
04/11/2024 Webinar
20/08/2024 Report PDF, 3MB
11/04/2024 Report PDF, 2MB
04/04/2024 Report PDF, 1MB
12/03/2024 Report PDF, 1MB
12/03/2024 Report PDF, 3MB
20/04/2023 Report PDF, 2MB
22/11/2022 Concept Paper PDF, 2MB
04/05/2022 Whitepaper PDF, 3MB
29/11/2021 Concept Paper PDF, 4MB
What is the Maritime Technologies Forum?
The Maritime Technologies Forum (MTF) is a forum of Flag States and Classification Societies. It has been established to provide technical and regulatory expertise to benefit the maritime industry. The role of the Forum is to work together on research which it will publish to the maritime industry and draw on regulatory expertise to be able to offer unbiased advice to the shipping sector. It will seek to give guidance on the use of alternative fuels and increased levels of automation in the industry. Furthermore, it will allow for the safe testing and adoption of new technologies and it will help shape world-leading regulation.
What are the MTF's priorities?
The MTF's most pressing challenge is to work with the shipping sector to improve energy efficiency, meeting the demand for use of alternative fuels and prime mover technologies to make it work. It also intends to meet the challenges of dealing with the change in other on-board technologies and supporting infrastructure that the new technologies will require.
Advances in automation technologies to move towards autonomous systems onboard, and eventually towards fully autonomous operations will also be a key focus.
Who makes up the MTF?
The founding members of the MTF include Flag State administrations and Classification Societies. The Flag State administrations include Maritime Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan; the Norwegian Maritime Authority; and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, United Kingdom. The Classification Society members are American Bureau of Shipping, DNV, Lloyd's Register and Nippon Kaiji Kyokai.
Classification Societies: